Friday, July 29, 2011

I am back

Hello Whomsoever-is-still-following-my-blog,

The news is I am back. I don't know if its a good news or bad news ! But I am back to writing !
How does it feel coming back live to the blog? Its like talking to a friend with whom you had a great fight.

You dint talk for year. You want to wipe out all the memories of that friend and avoid talking about him/her in common circle.But still you keep thinking about each other and wait on the other to apologize first, only to discover at the end that it was nobody's fault.
You are excited to talk to that friend after a long break. On the way to cafe where you decide to meet, you start taking notes of last missed 3-4 years. All the updates that you want to give to your friend. You enter the cafe and you see your dear friend sitting right on that table staring right in your eyes....
All of a sudden that anger, disappointment that fight starts flashing in front of your eyes, you mind is filled with guilt and all you want to do is turn back and run away. You are not ready to face that awkward moment.
Friend raises in his seat and gives you a warm smile... and you run for a hug...
Everything melts off... All that you decided to talk to build that 3-4 years gap is forgotten suddenly like it happens in exam. You don't know what to talk. Everything that happened in 3-4 years just feels so irrelevant to share with that friend for while. Since he/she was not part of your life that time.... There is awkward silence. But still you want that friend to be part of your life that is coming up.
You let that awkwardness last with your coffee.
"Sorry ! I missed you. It was not your fault. It was not my fault either. I think we needed some time apart, only to realize what you mean in my life.. I wiped off the memories that I had of you. With this renewed friendship I may or may not bring those memories back, depending on how painful or happy I feel about those. The good time that you and I could have had together can't be restored. But I don't want to miss on the great time that is waiting for us. You are part of me. I am back my friend"
and you agree to see each other often or whatever feels natural to both of you !
I am back !
See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Weer opnieuw beginnen met bloggen is inderdaad heel goed vergelijkbaar daarmee ;) Maar je gaat het toch altijd weer missen hè! Good to have you back.
